
How to Overcome or Handle or Conquer Fear of the Dark? And Oscar's Starry Night

Is your child afraid of the dark? Perhaps you are an adult who never out grew this fear? Here some ideas and tips to help you or your child overcome or at least reasonably cope with fear of the dark.

Instructions of How to Overcome or Handle or Conquer Fear of the Dark. 10 Steps

  • How to Overcome or Handle or Conquer Fear of the Dark? And Oscar's Starry NightFirst off realize that this is not an uncommon fear. It is actually more common than bed wetting. Stop putting yourself or your child in a box as though no one over four years old is frightened of the dark.

  • Figure out what it is about the dark that scares you, your spouse or your child. Is it that the person secretly believes something unidentified is waiting for the lights to go out?

  • Once you figure out what is causing the fear stay a way from it at least around bedtime. If scary movies are the culprit watch them only in the daytime and at night engage in less spooky entertainment. However, you may find that not all scary movies cause anxiety in an anxious person. Usually it's only the programs we can trick ourselves in believing really would happen to us.

  • Relax with a good book before going to bed, take a hot bath, spend time with someone you trust, make sure your bed is comfortable and cozy.

  • Be sure the troubles you repress aren't sneaking up on you. Yes, if you are holding back something which is bothering you from your daily life these unspoken issues tend to creep up on us manifesting as nighttime terrors.

  • It is true don't eat too much garbage before bed.

  • Don't be ashamed to plug in a night light regardless of your age. Turn a bedside lamp on whenever you become frightened and turn it off when you are once again relaxed.

  • Be honest with your spouse or bedmate. Don't be ashamed to tell your partner you are not comfortable in a dark room. A supportive mate will understand. If the person frightened of the dark is a child ask them to tell you what scares them and then explain they are safe.

  • Always allow children to "protect" themselves. If they are scared of the dark make them comfortable. Turn on a light, spend a few minutes with them before returning to your own room. When a child feels trapped in a dark room, the terror only worsens. The same is true for adults who never out grew night terrors. It is all about gaining control of your fears.

  • At last read Oscar's Starry Night to your child ;)

  • Read more about how to overcome a fear of the dark >>>

    Good anti-fear book: Oscar's Starry Night. Buy online now >>>Oscar's Starry Night


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